Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Books to Read

I am not really a voracious reader. But when I am in the mood, I tend to hoard on some book titles. Most of the time, I am not fond of popular book titles unless I am intrigued by hype (Ahem "The Girl With A Dragon Tattoo"), or if my professor told me to do so.

This holiday season I have browsed and checked on my goodreads.com account to update the books that I will read, and here are the titles that piqued my interest.

I saw this book in the book stall in Hong Kong airport last July. For some strange reason, I hesitated in buying the book (Must be the price, HK$ 200). But since seeing the title, I was intrigued by it. I did a little research on it's author who was dubbed a the Japanese Stieg Larsson, and the book had a Japanese movie adaptation and a Korean drama (or was it the other way around?).

When I watched the Dream Team documentary, I felt it I was shortchanged. I felt there was something more to Michael, Larry, Magic, Chuck and their issues with Isaiah Thomas. To me the documentary didn't scratch the surface of other team members (Although Charles Barkley's significant contribution vs. Angola was highlighted.). So maybe this book would fill me in on what the documentary didn't show. This was already released in other countries, and is scheduled to be release in the Philippines in April 2013.

I read this book before when I was a kid. And for some strange reason, I forgot it! I must be so clumsy that The BFG story that is ingrained into my subconscious got deleted when I fell or banged my head. 

I bought this book already, but I decided not to finish it since I find Dan Brown to be predictable. But I swear, I have to finish this book.

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